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Ex => Bali

Package Highlights


Beyond stunning beaches and magical temples, Bali has virtually every kind of natural beauty. Glorious mountainous areas with lush greenery, scenic lakes, gorgeous waterfalls, iconic rice fields, flower gardens, gushing sacred rivers and secret canyons all make up the island's landscape.

1. The Naming Conundrum

The whole world is busy looking out for baby names, the Balinese do not have any problems at all. Wondering why? Because they have only 4 names for all their kids, which are in accordance with their order of birth, the first baby- Wayan, the second baby- Made, the third baby- Nyoman, the fourth baby- Ketut, and the cycles starts over again form the fifth baby. A quite confusing and interesting fact about Bali, isn’t it?

2. 1 Year = 210 days
Yes, it is true, one year in Bali has 210 days. The fact about Bali is due to the Pawukon Calendar, the official calendar of Bali which has the year divided into 6 months, with each month having 35 days. 

3. Kopi Luwak
This coffee is grown indigenously in the areas of Bali, Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi and is the most expensive coffee in the world, with one cup costing as much as USD 50 a cup. Since Kopi Luwak is derived from any beans collected from the civet excrements, the taste of each and every cup of coffee may vary from place to place. A lot actually depends on the food habits of the civet as well. However many reports have come out regarding the abuse of the civet cats in the production of Kopi Luwak to meet the demands of this industry, therefore ensure that you have researched where you're getting your Kopi Luwak from and is sourced from a sustainable production method that does not harm the animal.

4. The Four Guardian Angels
Here's a cultural fact about Bali. It is a common Balinese belief that when a child is born, he or she brings with them four angels who are supposed to protect them from any evil spirits or harmful events until they are 4 years old. The parents are also not allowed to put their children on the ground until they are 3 months old. so, babies are supposed to be carried around everywhere until they are 12 weeks old.

5. The Coral Triangle
The place where Bali is located is called the Coral Triangle and is formed by the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius and other island nations present in the region, along with Timor and Papua New Guinea. This location of the island is what gives Bali the biological and marine diversity for which it is famous. Surely an interesting fact about Bali!

6. Black Sand
You might have seen white sand in Bali, but have you ever heard of black sand? Since Bali is a volcanic part of Indonesia, a lot of these volcanic eruptions have resulted in the black colour of the sand. So do not be wary if you see the black beaches here and hope this astonishing fact about Bali will bring about many photo opportunities!

7. Open Door Policy
Even before the international community opened up its doors to relations abroad, Bali already had a ‘welcome to all’ policy. They had a strict no door policy, which means, all could enter with a docile nature, nobody will stop you - you’re welcome into any Balinese household! This fact about Bali tells you how warm and friendly the locals are.

8. Gunung Agung
This volcano is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world, being the highest point on the entire island and still an active volcano. This last erupted in 1963-64 and its effects can still be seen on the lower part of the hill. The volcano houses a huge crater spewing ash and dust at all times. This volcano is also a sacred place on the island. The Balinese believe that Mount Agung is a replica of Mount Meru, which is considered to be the central axis of the universe.

9. The Bamboo Chocolate Factory
Opened in 2011, this one of a kind spectacle to visit in Bali. A structure made entirely of bamboo, it provides the visitors with chocolates of various kinds, and should I repeat, its made entirely of bamboo?

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Ashutosh Bisht

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