Travel Is A Only Thing You Buy, That Makes You Richer & We Will Make You Rich With Your Unforgettable Memories ^_^


Choosing your trip :

Travelling with children

Does Intrepid have family trips?

Intrepid offers a wide range of Family Adventures around the globe. The minimum age (for Family trips) varies depending on the destination, and Intrepid has set minimum ages to ensure that the included activities suit each age range. Additionally, you’ll notice that some of the more adventurous destinations have a higher minimum age. 

Travelling in a group

Who are Intrepid travellers?

Intrepid adventures are for travellers with a yearning to get off the beaten track. Whether you're travelling solo, with a group of friends, or are aged 18 or 70, there is an Intrepid adventure to suit your interests and comfort level. Each Intrepid adventure has a physical and cultural grading to help you decide if the trip is right for you. No special skills are required for most adventures, just a sense of adventure and a curiosity about the world. Even on our camping adventures no previous experience is required; our tents are easy to set up, even for first-time campers.

How many people will be on my trip?

Good things come in small packages, which is why we keep our group sizes down. This means we’re small enough to remain flexible as we thread our way through communities without intimidating the locals. On most of our trips you’ll be part of an intimate group of 12-16 people, though our group sizes are on average 10 people. Our Overland trips are in purpose-built vehicles that can carry up to 24 travellers. 

Are there age restrictions on your trips?

For the majority of our trips the minimum age is 15. An adult must accompany all children under the age of 18. Our Overland Adventures have a minimum age of 18. Younger children can join us on our Family trips and Short Break Adventures, but check each trip for its minimum age, which is located on the trip’s overview page on the website. Most of our trips don’t have a maximum age limit, but a Self-Assessment Form is required for all travellers 70 years and over.

Who will be my group leader?

While we can’t tell you who your leader is prior to departure, we can tell you they will be awesome. Our leaders are experts in their regions, some because they’ve been travelling there for years, others because they’re local to the region and can’t wait to show you around. On longer journeys, or ones that travel through more than one country, you may change leaders part way through – but this just means double the awesomeness.

Can I just do part of the trip?

Although you won’t be reimbursed for any portion of the trip unused, you can opt to sign off the trip if you need to leave a day or so earlier. If you let us know before travel that you’ll be arriving late or need to leave before the trip ends, we will notify our team on the ground to best accommodate your requirements.

Can I make any changes to the itinerary of my group trip, either before or during the trip?

Please make sure you are happy with your group trip itinerary before booking because we are unable to change them for individual travellers. However, if you and a group of friends, colleagues or even your school would like your own personally designed itinerary.

Can I add an extra night at the beginning or end of my group trip?

You sure can. Just ask your adventure consultant at the time of booking.

Travelling solo

I’m travelling alone – is that OK?

This is the beauty of the Intrepid style of travel: many of our travellers join because they are travelling solo and want to meet and share experiences with like-minded people.

If I am travelling solo, will I be charged for having my own room?

On our trips rooming is organised on a twin-share basis. We pair up solo travellers with another traveller of the same gender as per the gender marker on each of their passports. If you'd like your own space, you also have the choice to pay for an individual room (available on the majority of our trips).

As a responsible tour operator, we strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. In the case that your gender identity differs from what is indicated on your passport, please contact us so that we can discuss rooming options with you.

On a small selection of itineraries some accommodations are booked on an open-gender, multi-share basis (for example on a felucca in Egypt or an overnight train in Vietnam). In those instances, it will clearly be stated in your Essential Trip Information prior to booking and travelling.

Food, drink and dietary requirements

I have special dietary requirements – will they be catered for?

We will try our very hardest to accommodate all dietary requirements but in some out-of-the-way places it can be very difficult to guarantee. We will let you know if there are places on your itinerary where this is the case. Please let us know at the time of booking of any food requirements or allergies and we’ll pass the information onto your leader. It is also a great idea to bring a card with your dietary requirements written in the local language for those times you are eating away from the group.

What will the food be like on my trip?

Food is one of the most exciting parts of travel. There may be some familiar fare but often you’ll be confronted with the new, interesting and downright weird of the culinary world but we like to think of it as an adventure for all the senses. In addition to this, our flexible itineraries often allow you to eat with the group or branch out on your own - this means you can eat to suit any budget or desire.

Can I drink the water in the countries I visit?

In some destinations it may not be wise to drink the local water. For more details, you can find country-specific information in our destination pages.


On your trip

Arrival information

What time can I check in at my arrival hotel?

Check-in times can vary from hotel to hotel and region to region. Generally, they are between midday and 2pm. If you do arrive earlier, you’ll be able to store your luggage with the hotel and head out to explore for a couple of hours.

Can I request an early check-in?

We can’t confirm an early check-in, but our sales team can assist in booking you a night of pre-accommodation at the same hotel. If you don’t wish to pay for the extra night, you can try your luck locally (they may let you in early if the room is free) or you can store your luggage.

What is the name of the hotel where my trip starts?

This information can be found in the Joining Point instructions section of your Essential Trip Information.


Can I opt out of certain activities if I want to?

Absolutely. If there are included or optional activities that you don’t wish to participate in, you can do your own thing instead. The exception to this is when we are trekking or travelling from one destination to the next. Please note that if you choose to opt out of an included activity, no reimbursement can be made by Intrepid.

How difficult is the trek on my trip?

Intrepid has treks ranging from relatively easy to extremely difficult. The easiest way to determine if a trek is right for you is to check the ‘physical rating’ of the trip 

Do I get any free time?

The beauty of travelling with Intrepid is that we encourage travellers to explore at their own pace. When you get to a destination, your leader will offer options on what you can do. Some of the group will do one activity, others will opt for something completely different while others may just choose to lie in a hammock and read a book. Your Essential Trip Information has more details on what your trip’s itinerary and timeframes permit.

What if I arrive late and miss part of the trip?

If you know in advance that you will be arriving late, please let our sales staff know. We will notify your leader, who will leave instructions with the hotel reception as to where to meet your group that night or the following morning.
If you plan to arrive a day or two into the itinerary (and our group has moved to a different destination), it will be your responsibility to ‘catch up’ with the group. If this happens, we will provide you with the most up-to-date information as to where your group will be and at approximately what time.

If you are late due to unforeseen circumstances or flight delays, please call the emergency contact number located in the Essential Trip Information. Intrepid cannot reimburse you for any portion of the trip unused, but this can often be claimed on your travel insurance.



Can you provide me with a list of places we are staying at?

We are only able to provide information on your joining and finish point accommodation, the details of which are listed in your Essential Trip Information.

As Intrepid likes to support numerous local businesses, we often have a few places in each city that we can alternate our groups between. For this reason, we can’t give you a full list before you travel. At the welcome meeting on Day 1, your leader may be able to provide you with this so you can email friends and family back home with the details.

What standard of accommodation should I expect?

The standard of accommodation depends on the Trip Style you have chosen.

Is accommodation air-conditioned/ heated?

We want our travellers to be as comfortable as possible so when you are headed to a hot climate, it is likely that you will either have a fan or air-con. Of course, if you are staying in remote areas or at homestays, you will need to expect the facilities to be a little more basic.